Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bird's Eye View

Holly and Ryan left on Sunday nite, well I should say they had a mad dash to the bus station to get the last bus home. So that gave me Sunday nite and Monday morning to entertain myself. Word to the wise, the tour bus around Busan does not operate on Mondays?!?!!? Seriously, I don't get that.......don't people do long weekends and want to sightsee on Mondays!!!! Don't worry I can have fun in a paper bag so I walked around a little bit on Sunday nite and then on Monday went to Busan tower. Busan tower is 120 meters high standing on a 69-meter high hilltop, don't worry there is an esclator that goes up the hill. Thank the dear lord cause boy was I done with the heat!!! There is a little park area in front of the tower so I hung out there (in the shade ofcourse) for a little bit. Here are some pics from the tower!

Kim Yu-Na, South Korea's Ice Skating Super Star!

Busan loves their sculptures! I don't know why or what this first one was for but it was just hanging out on the ground by itself!

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