Monday, September 20, 2010

Baseball Korean Version!

I seriously love the crowds at the baseball games in Japan and so I was so super excited when Ryan told me that he got us tickets to the Lotte Giants. First, if anyone knows sports why are all of the teams named the Giants (San Franscico, Tokyo, and Busan) all the same color, coincidence or planned?

The game was awesome and it was a sold out crowd who were ready to cheer, they were ready to go because one of their players had 10 homeruns in 10 games. We had awesome seats but they were directly in the sun; we even had a little table in front of us! Another amazing experience at the baseball game, seriously if you go to Asia go to a baseball game!

I was rooting for the bat girls; they were wearing leg warmers (?!?!!) and pink helmets. Every time they ran out there they ran like their ankles were weighted down. It was hysterical and so weird.

Where Japan has beer girls Korea has this guy.

The fans make pompoms out of newspaper; they were everywhere!

Ryan showing off his new shirt!

At the 7th inning they give out these garbage bags; well, everyone takes them and blows them up and puts them on their heads?!!? I seriously have no lung capacity and would still be there trying to blow it up if Ryan didn't stop laughing long enough to give me his. Some people even get fancy and make Minnie Mouse ears out of them.

They bring out the relief pitcher in a car.

Holly brusing her wig in the car after the game!

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