Thursday, July 29, 2010

Golden Beauty

Part of the tour that we went on went to the Golden Pavilion, also known as Kinkaku-ji (Golden Temple) and Rokuon-ji (Deer Garden Temple). Honestly, it was amazing and breath taking, I don't think my pictures do it justice.

I looked quickly through my posts to see if I told this story but I couldn't find it so I figured I would tell it again. As my friends can attest, I tell stories over and over so why make the blog any different. :) On the local train on my way to Kyoto there was an empty seat next to me and two girls, probably in their early 20's, were standing right there and they did paper, rock, scissors to see who would get the empty seat. I have a very strong feeling that the loser is the one who got the seat! O well ;)

Some Pictures of the Grounds:

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