Sunday, September 23, 2012

Viva Espana!!!!!

Here we go again!!! Back at the end of April/ beginning of May Bridget sent me a text saying she really wanted to go to Europe so I said okay where are we going and se replied that she wasn't kiddig and I wrote back that neither was I so tide for Spain was born.  I then ran out and bought a guide book, which Bridget then mocked when she came down for Cinco de Mayo.  We started thinking about going at the end of September but then life got in the way and we never planned it. :( Near the end of August we decided it was not going to happen and we started looking for new trips. The  Sunday before Labor Day weekend I was being a good daughter and helping my mom at an Antiques Show when Bridget texted me and said do you think we could stillpul Spain off. I said yeas besides the fact that it was not a financialy smart decision.   A wise person taught me that there are needs and wants and I decided that this was definitely a need otherwise I might lose it at y desk and be cmmitted  So with less then 3 weeks from our depature date we  booked our tickets and planned our trip.  So ared with my 5 words od Spanish after 10 years of lessons (Thank you Senora Jennings and Senor Solomon) we are off on a new adventure! Viva Espana!

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