Monday, September 24, 2012

And We Are Off!!!

If you know me you know that I am a last minute person and usually take too much on.  So the plan was for Bridget and I to leave on Sunday the 23rd of September after I taught CCD, went to Church, helped throw a coed baby shower, went shopping for the baby shwer, and made all of the desserts! In my old age I am trying to get better about planning so was semi on top of printing out the necessary papers for our trip and  buying stuff for the shower; the week started off with making cookie dough on Tuesday, making the cookies on Wednesday, decorating them on Thursday, and cupcakes and pretzels on Friday....... o yeah n top of the job paying the bills  Hence, packing for the trip didn not start until noon on Sunday with a 3pm pick up time from my friend. Basically, this is warnig that you might see some interesting outfits because I don't know what I have actually packed.

My friend was nice enough to drop me off at Dulles.......seriously, that airprt is a mad house. While I was waiting for my flight I started laughing to myself because though I bought my ticket thru United theflight was operated by Aer Lingus and one of my Spanish teachers at SHA used to be a flight attendant for them.  As we got onto the plane I realized that somehow I was basically the width and length of the seat.  Thanks to my trusty but dorky eye mask I was able to sleep for a little bit and I ate some sort of vegetarian food (really it was like veggies in a brown gravy.......interesting).  My seat mate's light was not working and he calledover the flight attendant, who in a straight face asked to see his ticket to see if it came with a igh. Well my seat mate was like um what and I bust out laughing, he then goes o wait is he kidding I was like yup........sad that in this day and age of flying that paying for an overhead light is probably not that far off.  Luckily Bridget and I both landed early, which is great since the taxiing in probably too at least 20 mins and then you have to walk the length of the entire airport.  After wemet up we jumped in a taxi, our driver's exwife was fromthe Bronx, and headed to the train station. 

I bought our tickets back in the states and gave us time in case our fights were  late.........of course they were early so we had a few hours to klll  and decided to hit the little restaurant.  We were already feeling more confident from Tokyo vecause we could actually order food........After we ate we realized only 20 mins passed - only 2 1/2 more hours to go! The train station has a rainforest in the middle of with cute little turtles and some benches.......thank god. When we got to the area wwhere the trains leave from we had to go thru security; however, the weird part was that only our bags got scanned and not us.   The best thing abut the train station were these esclators that were more like ramps........amazing.  After we boarded the train Bridget and I settled in for a nice 2 1/2 hou high speed train nap! Ah now we are finaly on our way to our destination after 17 hours of traveling!

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