Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Japan's Best Dance Crew Competition!

12One of my favorite things about Japan is their love of festivals. Also, when I was asked what my favorite sight in Japan was I always go to the things that I run across. I think the top of the list are my geishas and my 4th of July Parade.

When I was in Fukuoka I was looking for a little something extra and just then I ran across a dance competition. Seriously, is this what the groups I saw in Tokyo and Kyoto were practicing for?? It really was the perfect ending to all of my trips; it tied up all of the pieces of Japan. It was so much fun just to watch them dance. Also, it was interesting to see the respect that they have in their daily lives translates to this; each performance was started off with a bow before they walked on the "stage", a hello and some chit chat, and it concluded with a thank you from the entire troupe. This was the highlight of my trip to Fukuoka!

Um, seriously who couldn't love something that had drag geishas!

Look at the little kid, way too cute! Every dance group had all ages represented. Look at the kid on the side, he just sat there with his mom.

I also loved the fact that not only American kids harrass people in the costumes; seriously, have you ever been to a Nats game I always feel bad for the presidents. These poor people were being picked on by Japanese kids but took it in stride! Also, in true Japanese polite fashion their handlers made sure I got a picture of them.

He was so intent on making sure that flag waved right!

We all know that I have fallen in love with baseball here so I loved the fact that I came across a press conference of old Lions players at the bus station. Also, lions were the team that Bridget and I saw in Tokyo - see Fukuoka is bringing together the circle of life, okay the circle of my Japan!

Um, Hello! This is genious and why do we not have this on the esclators in DC.......it would be so much easier instead of yelling "Stand Right Walk Left" over and over and over again!

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