Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sayonara DC Konnichiwa Tokyo

We made it!! After a 13 hour flight, 2 1/2 hours waiting at the airport for Bridget, and then an hour bus ride (which we JUST made) we made it to our hotel!!! Our hotel is beautiful and has an amazing view; thanks to all the traveling Bridget does for work we were able to get 5 free nites at Conrad Tokyo.

About the flight: wow United really knows how to pack people in! I thought about paying for the upgrade to Economy Plus but I (foolishly) thought eh it is only 5 extra inches does it make a huge difference! Yes, yes it does!! If you are over 5'10 I highly recommend paying the sixty or so dollars and upgrading yourself! Two things that made an impression to me on plane was first how many people were dressed in normal clothes! I know personally I could not sit on a plane for that long in jeans but I would say more than 95% of my plane were in normal clothes while a small percentage were in comfy pants etc. Also, I would love to know how the guy that sat next to me did not get up for the entire flight!!!

Another thing about the flight is that I never sleep on planes (maybe 15 minutes here 15 minutes there)but I was able to get in about 4 or 5 hours of sleep (not all at once). I owe this wonderful surprise to a few things: my wonderful nap blanket and nap eye mask (seriously amazing, this awesome pillow my mom got me, and o yes the free wine on the plane. I thought this flight would be awful and despite the awful entertainment on the plane (hardly any choices and it controlled you and not the other way around) it was an extremely enjoyable flight. Not as good as Bridget's business class on Singapore airlines on a double decker plane but it was still decent!

After arriving in Tokyo and checking out our hotel we decided to go explore and get some dinner. We thought, hmmm it is a Saturday nite (@9:30 -10) how hard could it be! It was very hard to find anything open and then we were just so overwhelmed with the menus and the inability to read any of them that when we saw an Italian restaurant we were very happy to go inside. I am all for eating the local food; however, we decided to give ourselves a pass since it was our first nite and we were just so overwhelmed. We were the only customers in there and I have to say that I think it was some of the best Italian food I have ever eaten! I am not a huge spaghetti fan but my spaghetti with eggplant and some Parmesan cheese was amazing!!

1 comment:

  1. yes i say just skip united and go straight to singapore, best service i have ever gotten :) nice comfy seat/semi-bed also
