Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rainy Goodbye to Seville!

On our last day in Seville we planned on getting up and going to the park to ride bikes; however, it was pouring so when the alarm went off we both telepathicaly decided to go back to sleep.  Once we got up and out it was absolutely pouring and the hotel had no umbrellas so we decided to make a run for it.  The front desk at our hotel told us that they sold umbrellas at the "Chinese" shop but after making a run for it in the rain we found out that the chinese shop was just a newsstand.  The only umbrellas they had were Dora the Explorer and I asked the guy how much they were and he basically told us in Spainsh that they were 8 euros but they were the only ones they had and he was sorry; basically, he wasn't selling us a Dora the Explorer umbrella.  So we hopped into a place for breakfast (chocolate crossiants for all).  After breakfast we still had some time to kill before we had to get to the train station and it wasn't raining so we decided to go to Starbucks to kill some time so of course it started POURING and  so we made a run for it; WHO MOVED THE HOTEL!!! By the time we got back to the hotel we were drenched and so with a quick change of clothes we bid adios to Seville!!

Seville by the Pictures!

Some more sites of Seville:
In front of the Cathedral: 
How could I not take a picture of some NYC pizza???

View From the Top!

One of the amazing things about the Cathedral in Seville is that you can go to the top and have the most amazing views.  However, they make you work for it and you have to walk up 38 ramps.  On our way up Bridget and I couldn't remember how many levels it would be........I thought 17 but I was sooooo wrong.  When we were heading back down we saw somebody getting pushed up in a wheel chair.......seriously 38 ramps............and one of the guys asked us (pleadingly)how many floors is this?!?!? It was so worth it though because of the views were amazing not only of Seville but also of  the Cathedral.

Bridget on the walk down!

Inner Beauty!

The inside of the Catedral is truly impressive. Every nook and cranny is just something elese amazing. The weirdest part about it is the really formal ticket counter when you walk in - I really don't think that was built in 1504!

Imagine getting baptized in that!

I don't think you can tell from this picture but this was
the most shining, eye blinding silver altar EVER!

Grand Glory!

The main focal point of Sevilla is the Catedral, it is the center of the tourist area.  It is actually one of the world's largest cathedrals; when Seville fell to the Christians in 1248 they used the main mosque as church until 1401 when they turn it down to build the Cathedral. The Cathedral was not completed untul 1507and is an icon of Gothic architecture.  It is such an impressive building and it is gorgeous. 

Photo Fun!

When we were at the Alcatraz and before we got lost in the labrynth of the gardens we took pictures at this pretty cool fountain.  I use two different cameras, a point and shoot and a Digital SLR, and after two years I am still learning how to use the DSLR.......I am a slow one.  So when we were at the fountain it was fun to play with the camera and seeing how things look with playing the settings just a bit. 

Dance On!

FLAMENCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - So when Seville pops into my head I think about Flamenco dancing. The Flamenco festival was in town when we were there (it is there every 2 years) but we could not figure out how to get tickets,the website was not helpful at all.  We did go to a Flamenco show at the cultural center, it was a tiny room, and I was afraid it was going to be hokey but it was great. We were sitting next to a guy from England and they were here for the Flamenoc festival and have been to Seville a few times and always go to this show. The singer was amazing and the male flamenco dancer was beyond amazing; our British neighbor said that he wouldn\'t see anything better at the festival.  It was an amzing show and only 60 minutes for 15 euros you can\'t go wrong.  


The next morning we headed to the Tourist office to see if we could figure out how to get the tickets, our British neighbor said that he got tickets 4 months ago but we figured it would be worth a shot.  The lady at the tourist office spoke hardly any english but somehow with our limited Spanish we were able to figure out the details about getting to the theater.  However, after we walked all the way around the city and finally found the box office they were sold out!!!! However, when we were there we were able to go to the Flamenco museum. It was interesting to see flamenco thru the years and all of the different types of flamenco.  So even if we didn\'t get to the flamenco festival we did have a great introduction to Flamenco.

The weird sign at the Flamenco Museum